
जाने कुछ एक्सेल शॉर्टकट कुंजियों के बारे में (Learn About Excel Function Shortcut Keys)

excel shortcut keys list pdf download free


Excel shortcut keys list pdf download free


Excel shortcut keys list pdf download free: दोस्तों में तुम सबको ये बताना चाहता हु की आज कल किसी भी छेत्र में या Bissness में या Office के work में ज्यादातर Use में लिया जाता हे क्योंकी excel एक मात्र ऐसा हे जिसने तुम अपना काम आसानी से और काफी जल्दी कर सकते हो अगर आपको excel आता हे  ये मायने नहीं रखता आपको excel के बारे कुछ Basic Information भी आनी चाहिये जैसे बताना चहाता हूँ की Excel में आपको shortcut key और formulas


इसके आलावा आपको function key भी आनी चाहये ! क्युकी अगर आप ये सब कुछ आता हे और आप कही अपनी new job के Interview के लिए जाते हो तो तुमको ये सब कुछ आता हे तो फिर तुम्हारा Slection जरूर हो जायेगा और यदि तुम आपने खुद का कुछ bissness start करते हो तो ये और भी अच्छी बात हे तुम  कर सकते हो किसी और को तुम्हे ढूढ़ने की जरूत नहीं  हे तुम आपने काम sefty कर सकते हो !  इसलिए में आप सबको ये  बताना चाहता हु की Microsoft ने एक्सेल को बना कर हम सब का काम बहुत आसान कर दिया Excel shortcut keys list pdf download free below the artical.

Excel function shortcut keys

  • General Keya of excel                                                              
Shortcut keyAction
Ctrl+ASelect All
Ctrl+DFill Down
Ctrl+KInsert Hyperlink
Ctrl+NNew Workbook
Ctrl+RFill Right
Ctrl WClose
F3Paste Name
F4Repeat the last action
F4While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs
F6Next Pane
F7Spell check
F8Extend mode
F9Recalculate all workbooks
F10Activate Menubar
F11New Chart
F12Save As
Ctrl+:Insert Current Time
Ctrl+;Insert Current Date
Ctrl+"Copy Value from Cell Above
Ctrl+’Copy Formula from Cell Above
ShiftHold down shift for additional functions in Excel’s menu
Shift+F1What’s This?
Shift+F2Edit cell comment
Shift+F3Paste function into the formula
Shift+F4Find Next
Shift+F6Previous Pane
Shift+F8Add to selection
Shift+F9Calculate active worksheet
Ctrl+Alt+F9Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9Rechecks dependent formulas and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.
Shift+F10Display shortcut menu
Shift+F11New worksheet
Ctrl+F3Define name
Ctrl+F5XL, Restore window size
Ctrl+F6Next workbook window
Shift+Ctrl+F6Previous workbook window
Ctrl+F7Move window
Ctrl+F8Resize window
Ctrl+F9Minimize workbook
Ctrl+F10Maximize or restore window
Ctrl+F11Inset 4.0 Macro sheet
Ctrl+F12File Open
Alt+F1Insert Chart
Alt+F2Save As
Alt+F8Macro dialog box
Alt+F11Visual Basic Editor
Ctrl+Shift+F3Create name by using names of row and column labels
Ctrl+Shift+F6Previous Window
Alt+Shift+F1New worksheet
Ctrl+`Toggle Value/Formula display
Ctrl+Shift+AInsert argument names into the formula
Alt+Down arrowDisplay AutoComplete list
Alt+’Format Style dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+~General format
Ctrl+Shift+!Comma format
Ctrl+Shift+@Time format
Ctrl+Shift+#Date format
Ctrl+Shift+$Currency format
Ctrl+Shift+%Percent format
Ctrl+Shift+^Exponential format
Ctrl+Shift+&Place outline border around selected cells
Ctrl+Shift+_Remove outline border
Ctrl+Shift+*Select the current region around the active cell. In a PivotTable report, select the entire PivotTable report.
Ctrl+1Format cells dialog box
Ctrl+6Show/Hide objects
Ctrl+7Show/Hide Standard toolbar
Ctrl+8Toggle Outline symbols
Ctrl+9Hide rows
Ctrl+0Hide columns
Ctrl+Shift+(Unhide rows
Ctrl+Shift+)Unhide columns
Alt or F10Activate the menu
Ctrl+TabIn toolbar: next toolbar
In a workbook: activate next workbookNone
Shift+Ctrl+TabIn toolbar: previous toolbar
In a workbook: activate the previous workbookNone
TabNext tool
Shift+TabPrevious tool
EnterDo the command
Alt+EnterStart a new line in the same cell.
Ctrl+EnterFill the selected cell range with the current entry.
Shift+Ctrl+FFont Drop Down List
Shift+Ctrl+F+FFont tab of Format Cell Dialog box
Shift+Ctrl+PPoint size Drop Down List
Ctrl+SpacebarSelect the entire column
Shift+SpacebarSelect the entire row
CTRL+/Select the array containing the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+OSelect all cells that contain comments.
CTRL+\In a selected row, select the cells that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+|In a selected column, select the cells that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
CTRL+[Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+{Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection.
CTRL+]Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+}Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
ALT+;Select the visible cells in the current selection.
SHIFT+BACKSPACEWith multiple cells selected, select only the active cell.
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBARSelects the entire worksheet.
If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects the current region. CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR a second time selects the entire worksheet.
When an object is selected, CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR selects all objects on a worksheet 
Ctrl+Alt+LReapply the filter and sort on the current range so that changes you've made are included
Ctrl+Alt+VDisplays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program.


Excel shortcut keys list pdf download free





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